before you rest

a two-minute reminder from the moon before you sleep tonight.

a two-minute reminder to clean your heart so tomorrow you may open your eyes with a fresh start.

listen with earbuds in a quiet space where you won't be distracted.

giving yourself the most optimum experience during your own meditative imagining.

time length: 2 minutes 

dearest one,

before you rest your eyes

allow all yang energy to subside

breath here, as the yin of you may arise

please take note of beautiful moments this day

before the breath of remembrance passes away.


the sun has set from your sight

so the moon can bath you with magic this night

her heavenly body fills your dreams from above

as her beams surround your home in crescent love


dearest one, close your eyes -- and thank yourself for taking this time

as every moment for you will reshape your paradigm

taking time for you is the antidote to the personal crimes

the inhibitions that hold you back at night from your own prime


so in this time, dearest one, ask the moon for magical peace

for the harmony of a story that will bring your night more ease

ask her to guide your dreams for your own personal growth

to brings you the vision of a message you deserve to know


so that when you wake the continuum of this time will pass and flee

and tomorrow will gift you with more clarity for your soul to set free

as you deserve the most magical life since the moon is your friend

so rest your eyes, dearest one, and trust that you’ll awaken born again